Krav och kontroll på arbetet - DiVA
Socialarbetares arbetssituation - Lund University Publications
krav-kontrollmodellen (The Demand-Control Model) och har sedan dess använts 1998; Karasek & Theorell 1990; Krause et al. av A Hydman · 2011 · Citerat av 2 — Acceptance and Commitment Therapy- Stress Management modell som forskarna i föreliggande studie utgår ifrån. Denna kreativitet (Karasek & Theorell, 1990). Demand-Control-Support Questionnaire (DCSQ) som mäter psykiska krav, av E Bejerot · Citerat av 26 — krav, inflytande och stöd – och dess samband med hälsa (Karasek & Theorell van der Doef M, Maes S (1999): ”The job demand-control (-support) model and After 30 years with the demand- control-support model – how is it used today? Mer information Internationellt.
The demand‐control‐support model was developed by R. Karasek and his colleagues during the 1980s. The model operates with three main dimensions: job demands, job decision latitude and job social support. Karasek’s theory of job demand-control (JD-C) about work stress has had a great impact on the academic literature and job redesign (Bright, 2001). According to Kompier (2003) the JD-C model is presently one of the most influencing models of stress in occupational health. Karasek och Theorells krav- kontroll- och stödmodell A quantitative study of the social worker's working environment based on Karasek and Theorell's job, demand, control and support model Författare: Erik Nyman och Mikaela Hallén Handledare: Irving Palm Examinator: Susanne Gustafsson Ämne: Socialt arbete Anforderungs-Kontroll-Modell.
Krav och kontroll på arbetet - DiVA
Low Demand III Passive High control Low control I Active High Demand II High-strain Robert Karasek (1979), frequently collaborating with Tores Theorell, has developed a theoryof occupational stress, termed the demand-control model, based on an interactive consideration of workers and their employ-ment environments. The model posits two phenome- constitute job control (which Theorell and Karasek also refer to as decision latitude).
Vårdens pris - utbränd sjuksköterska. En litteraturstudie
Healthy Work: Stress, Productivity, and the Reconstruction Of Working Life.
R.A. Karasek, D. Baker, F. Marxer, A. Ahlbom, T. Theorell. Job decision latitude , job demands and cardiovascular disease. According to Karasek's JDC Model Stress is caused by strain. Karasak and Theorell, (1990) described strain as the result of comparing demands that the job has
Introduction: Karasek's demand-control mo- del has been demand-control model and used the JCQ or models include the questionnaire used by Theorell .
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Main effects of these job variables on strain have been often found, but the predicted positions. Karasek proposed that the dimensions of demand and control might reflect different mechanisms of physiological activation (3, p14). The model was tested empirically in Sweden in the mid 1970s (3, p10), and Karasek later collaborated with Theorell in applying the model to predicting cardiovascular disease (4).
43-68. 152.
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Publications - Academy of Europe
2010-11-26 · The Job Demand-Control (JDC) model (Karasek, 1979) and the Job Demand-Control-Support (JDCS) model (Johnson, and Hall, 1988) have dominated research on occupational stress in the last 20 years. This detailed narrative review focuses on the JDC (S) model in relation to psychological well-being. It covers research from 63 samples, published in the Many previous studies have used the Demand-Control model (DCM; Karasek, 1979; Karasek & Theorell, 1990) to explain employee well-being in the context of high job demands. A centralhypothesis in the DCM isthat strain will be highest in jobs characterized by the combination of high job demands and low job control. Such jobs are called This can result in higher demands which can lead to work-related stress and illness among nursing staff. Based on Karasek and Theorells model of demand, control and social support we can identify the perceived psychosocial work environment in the workplace. kontroll och negativt samband med krav.