PDF A Narratological Investigation of Eyewitness Reporting
Perspectives on Narratology - Peter Lang Publishing
Narratology provides sophisticated conceptual tools, now largely absent from the field's discourse, for the study of historical and case-oriented materials. Narratives produced by public managers, if analyzed in small samples, can generate hypotheses for further study. In larger samples, they can be used to test hypotheses. One of the narratological concepts that best illustrates this process and that reveals the national particularities of the term transferred is mise en abyme.
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2018-01-01 By applying the epistemology of fiction on narratives with fiction-specific concepts of narration, a new analytic tool is available which allows a diachronic perspective on narratological concepts in … We will approach organisational narrative through common analytical and narratological concepts such as master narrative and counter-narrative, character, identification and actantial roles. Specifically, Narratological concepts, such as focalization, perspective, implied author, the distinction between story and discourse, and even homo- and het-erodiegetic narration, today belong to the toolkit of scholars of literature, including those who do not consider themselves narratologists. ‘The psychological goal of such amnesia was the elimination of traumatic fixation; the narratological goal was the elimination of chaotic, incoherent reminiscence.’ ‘The expressivist and the narratological concepts of voice do not necessarily operate independently, however.’ 19 Intermedial Iconicity in Fiction – Tema con variazioni [2003] 20 Metalepsis as a Transgeneric and Transmedial Phenomenon: A Case Study of the Possibilities of ‘Exporting’ Narratological Concepts [2005] 21 Mise en cadre – a Neglected Counterpart to mise en abyme: A Frame-theoretical and Intermedial Complement to Classical Narratology [2010] 22 Wiederholung bzw. culties in defining the narratological concept of narrative closure – roughly, the property of stories to have a proper ending. Different approaches to the phenomenon indicate that there are no shared intuitions concerning both concrete cases and the grounds for classification (textual features vs. response-dependence). Narratology, as defined by Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan, is a branch of narrative theory.
Narratology in the Age of Cross-Disciplinary Narrative
I. Toward a reconfiguration of narrative concepts Beatriz Penas-Ibáñez: Emergent Narratological Explanatory Frames: From (Non)Naturalness to (Non)Standardness (the Case of Haiku-like Narratives). Bohumil Fořt: Literary Narratives as Constituents of Political Worlds: The Case of Milan Kundera. Ludmila Comuzzi: Lyric Poetry as a Narrative Speech Genre: On It first introduces a set of foundational concepts derived from narratology—the distinction between fable and narrative, narrative polyphony, and dom- inant versus counter-fable typologies.
Disputable Core : Concepts of Narrative Theory - DiVA portal
A concept is a macro-tool informing theoretical approaches, such as possible worlds; a category is a micro-tool enabling formalist analysis, such as metalepsis. 2010-02-27 · René Nünlist “Narratological Concepts in Greek Scholia” Irene de Jong “Metalepsis in Ancient Greek Literature” Egbert Bakker “Homer, Odysseus and the Narratology of Performance” Deborah Beck “Speech Act Types, Conversational Exchange, and the Speech Representational Spectrum in Homer” 2014-11-19 · Christian Folde from PHLOX and Janina Jacke from heureCLEA are holding an interdisciplinary two-day workshop on Narratological Concepts and Interpretation.. The workshop will take place in Hamburg, December 12th-13th 2014, in the AS-Saal of the Hauptgebäude.
In the context of a systematic overview of the possibilities of applying narratological concepts to a study of TV series, ten case studies are explored in depth, demonstrating how series such as 24, Buffy, Twin Peaks, Star Trek, Blackadder, and Sex and the City make use of innovative audiovisual means of storytelling. I then suggest that the reader-oriented narratology pole has led the discipline to Its concepts and models are widely used as heuristic tools, and narratological
Narratology : a Gérard Genette's semiotic theory. By using narrative voice as a concept through which all the other categories are articulated, Genette engages
28 Nov 2018 geography has implemented narratological concepts in its technical in narrative approaches when dealing with concepts, visualization,
It is the first narratological forum of its kind in Germany. In addition to literary texts, the series focuses on narration in everyday contexts, in pictorial media, in film
Narration refers to the way that a story is told, and so belongs to the level of discourse (although in first-person narration it may be that the narrator also plays a role
NARRATOLOGY EXAMINES THE WAYS that narrative structures our on the left will lead you to Modules explaining in more detail specific concepts by these
This paper is predominantly theoretical in approach, in that it gathers established ideas from literary theory, narratology, film theory and science fiction criticism,
Narratology of Culture encompasses the entire spectrum of narrative theory, from Russian Narratological Concepts across Languages and Cultures.
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anachrony, actantial role, heterodiegesis, scene and summary etc) compare and contrast how Northanger Abbey and the essay portion of The Lifespan of Fact rely upon the same narrative techniques to construct character, plot, narration OR story. For the definition of the degree of text inherence of a narratological concept, two aspects were considered: (1) the amount of text affected by the category in question and (2) the extent of the context necessary for determining the category.
The essays focus on central terms and concepts in narrative theory over the last forty years. Established narratological concepts, such as narrative, narrator,
narratological concept consonance. A fifth reportage, written in 1974 by. Günter Wallraff, will help me to highlight narrative consequences of a.
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1997). (In a personal communication, Jahn confirmed that when he published this article he was not aware of any prior use of the term, but also that Ansgar Nünning must be credited with suggesting the second part of the article’s Narratological Concepts across Languages and Cultures Edited by John Pier Amsterdam International Electronic Journal for Cultural Narratology (nr. 7-8 autumn 2012-autumn 2014) This chapter builds a toolbox of basic narratological concepts and shows how to put it to work in the analysis of fiction. The definitions are based on a number of classical introductions – specifically, Genette (1980 [1972]; 1988 [1983], key terms: voice, homo- and heterodiegetic, focalization); Narratology, in literary theory, the study of narrative structure.