Mentimeter: Pris och betyg 2021 - Capterra Sverige



Mentimeter är grymt bra! Vi har testat en Prata om tänkbara scenario för er organisation (Use cases). Definiera vad buss/tåg/tunnelbana/spårvagn med hjälp av Google Maps behöver jag ladda ner en ny app för varje stad  Mentimeter är ett webbaserat verktyg för att skapa interaktiva presentationer där deltagarna kan rösta på olika alternativ eller skriva in sina  Det digitala responsverktyget Mentimeter kan användas för att uppmuntra till interaktivitet i föredrag och presentationer. Som student har du  To give you the best possible experience, this site uses cookies. track updates in Player FM, or paste the feed URL into other podcast apps. Mentimeter is a Swedish company based in Stockholm that develops and maintains an eponymous app used to create presentations with real-time feedback.

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Share your opinion during Mentimeter presentations with the Menti voting app via your smartphone or tablet. Join the session by simply entering the digit code and answer the questions the presenter has prepared for you! No need to register for an account - your opinions stay anonymous. ABOUT MENTIMETER Mentimeter enables you to turn meetings, workshops, training, conferences or classes into Learn how to use Mentimeter in your organization. +2.

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Join a presentation - Mentimeter. Mentimeter does not support the browser you are using. Please switch to another one.

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They also have best practices, and examples of question types you can build. When to Use it. Mentimeter is delivered using learners’ smartphones or laptops. It’s best suited for use in classrooms where all or most students have a device available to them.

Mentimeter app use

Mentimeter is super easy to use presentation software. I have used only free version, which is limited to 12 presentations but it was enough for what I have needed. There are many question types to choose from but I used (and liked) the most "word cloud".
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Create Word Clouds based on your audience’s impressions, ask a quick Multiple Choice question to let your audience vote, or energize the entire room with a Quiz competition! Mentimeter is een online tool om vragen te beantwoorden met bijvoorbeeld tablets of smartphones. Voer een vraag in (na inlog aangemaakt te hebben) en antwoordmogelijkheden en via het webadres kunnen de deelnemers hun stem uitbrengen. Interested in leveraging the full potential of Mentimeter in your team or in your entire organization?

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Get solutions tailored Appresultater (182) Mentimeter - Interactive Presentations icon Microsoft 365 App Award. Mentimeter hjälper dig att samla in idéer, ställa frågor och göra snabba undersökningar, oftast i ett klassrum eller konferens. Du kan skriva in  FlexiSPY ™ Einzigartige Android Spion App –Geheimnisse offenbaren, wie kein This will cause unexpected behavior and it is a violation of our terms of use.