Double Bond Pharmaceutical B DBP B - En Passiv Inkomst
Aktienanalys Double Bond Pharmaceutical International DBP
Det var i Vitryssland han doktorerade i slutet av 1990-talet och det var Double Bond Pharmaceutical International AB (publ): Utdelning av aktier i FarmPharma AB (publ). För en (1) aktie i Double Bond Få omedelbar tillgång till ett gratis live streamade Double Bond Pharmaceutical International AB diagram. dotterbolaget FarmPharma AB, där en aktie i Double Bond Pharmaceutical International AB ger procentuellt motsvarande antal aktier i Varför blev Double Bond Pharma en kursvinnare under perioden? Kursen i DB Pharma tog fart rejält i juli 2018 när bolaget rapporterade att man var klar med Uppsalabaserade Double bond pharmaceutical har startat ett nytt dotterbolag för distribution av läkemedel. Double Bond Pharmaceutical AB. 556959-2982 (Uppsala). Översikt · Telefonnummer · Adresser · Styrelse och koncern · Verklig huvudman · Nyckeltal Double Bond Pharmaceutical (DBP) har signerat ett avtal med Euroresearch för distribution av deras utvalda produkter på den skandinaviska Double Bond Pharmaceutical International AB (publ). Nyemission mars - april 2018.
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You can also download and read our archive news. Double Bond Pharmaceutical International AB (publ), a pharmaceutical company, develops and commercializes approaches for the treatment of cancers, infections, autoimmune diseases, and other life-threatening disorders. Double Bond Is a fully integrated healthcare business solutions company, helping pharmaceutical stakeholders to define and achieve their objectives with a list of innovative offline & online services, through creative smart driven people who care a lot about getting everything done perfectly. Double Bond Pharmaceutical International AB is a pharmaceutical company, which engages in developing and commercializing approaches for treatment of cancers, infections, autoimmune diseases, and Double Bond Pharmaceutical International AB is a manufacturer of pharmaceutical preparation. The company is located in Uppsala, Sweden.
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SwedenDouble Bond Pharmaceutical B(DBP B) Double Bond Pharmaceutical B. Senast. 1,930. Idag %. 0,00%.
Double Bond Pharmaceutical AB i Uppsala 556959-2982
19,056 likes · 27 talking about this. Double Bond is a fully integrated healthcare solutions company, helping pharmaceutical stakeholders to define and achieve their objectives with a Double Bond Pharmaceutical AB We are curious, creative, and have new ideas and ways of working.
DBP is a pharmaceutical company with the primary focus on development
STOCKHOLM (Nyhetsbyrån Direkt) Double Bond Pharmaceutical (DBP), som inriktar sig på behandling av cancersjukdomar genom en egen drug delivery-teknologi, har fått information om beviljande av patentansökan i USA gällande bolagets front-line produkt Temodex/SI-053. Double Bond Pharmaceutical is the fastest growing Swedish pharmaceutical company that develops and commercializes innovative first-in-class approaches for
Double Bond Pharmaceutical uses its proprietary drug delivery technology, BeloGal for the development of treatments for cancer, infectious diseases and other
19 Feb 2021 Igor is also President, Founder and Board member of Double Bond Pharmaceutical AB that is listed on Spotlight (former Aktietorget), and one of
Stockopedia rates Double Bond Pharmaceutical International AB (publ) as a Highly Speculative Sucker Stock .
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The main aim of the company is to provide patients and the market with more efficient and safe products in areas where these needs are unmet. Double Bond Pharmaceutical is a fast growing pharmaceutical company which develops and commercializes innovative first-in-class approaches for treatment of cancers, infections, autoimmune diseases About Double Bond Pharmaceutical AS (DBP): DBP is a Swedish pharmaceutical company established in 2014, for the development and commercialization of innovative products and approaches for treatment of cancer, infection, autoimmune disease and other disorders. The company is specialized in brain cancer, liver cancer and pneumonia. Double Bond Pharmaceutical.
The main aim of the company is to provide patients and the market with more efficient and safe products in areas where these needs are unmet. Double Bond Pharmaceutical International AB is a pharmaceutical company, which engages in developing and commercializing approaches for treatment of cancers, infections, autoimmune diseases, and
Get In Touch Post address: Virdings allé 32B, 75 450 Uppsala, Sweden Visiting address: Rapsgatan 7, Uppsala Business Park (Västra ingången) How Can We Help?
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Double Bond Pharmaceutical International AB - IPOhub
Double Bond Pharmaceutical är ett läkemedelsbolag som utvecklar målsökande läkemedel baserade på "BeloGal(R) " teknologin. Företaget riktar in sig på behandlingar av cancer, infektioner, autoimmuna sjukdomar och andra livshotande tillstånd. Double Bond Pharmaceutical International AB (publ) ("DBP", "Double Bond" eller "Double Bond Pharmaceutical") tillkännager positiva resultat från SI-053s farmakokinetiska in vivo studie på råttor. SI-053 är Double Bonds främsta produkt för lokal terapi av primära maligniteter i hjärnan.