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The hallmarks of DHM compared with other QPI methods are high speed, stability, accuracy, spatial resolution, and polarization sensitivity (PS). Although not applicable to quantitative phase measurement, single-exposure, on-axis Gabor holographic microscopy has been shown to work reasonably well for 3-D cell identification, with a large gain in simplicity, compactness and expense that is very valuable for point-of-care health solutions. Phase Holographic Imaging, Lund, Sweden. 431 likes · 45 talking about this.

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Langehanenberg P(1), Kemper B, Dirksen D, von Bally G. Author information: (1)Center for Biomedical Optics and Photonics, University Medical Center of Muenster, Muenster, Germany. langehanenberg@uni-muenster.de components. Holographic phase images are obtained with 0.5 μm diffraction-limited lateral resolution and largely immune from the coherent noise common in other holographic techniques. The phase profile is accurate to about 30 nm of optical thickness. Images of SKOV-3 ovarian cancer cells display intracellular and 2016-11-30 · High-resolution imaging of densely connected samples such as pathology slides using digital in-line holographic microscopy requires the acquisition of several holograms, e.g., at >6–8 different The principal methods for measuring and visualizing phase shifts include ptychography and various types of holographic microscopy methods such as digital holographic microscopy, holographic interference microscopy and digital in-line holographic microscopy.

Phase Holographic: Nature Methods acknowledge PHI's core

The correction needs no manual operation or prior knowledge of the recording setup. As the phase aberrations are modeled with orthogonal polynomials, not only phase curvature but also high order aberrations could be corrected with a single hologram. Digital holographic microscopy (DHM) 2,3 is an interferometry -based variant of QPI that typically uses a laser as a coherent light source and provides QPI by detecting specimen-induced optical path length changes against the surrounding environment. Quantitative phase-digital holographic microscopy (QP-DHM) represents an important and efficient quantitative phase method to explore cell structure and dynamics.

Kersti Alm - Head of Biology - Phase Holographic Imaging

The phase shift can be measured with a resolution down to nanometers [5]. The principles for the digital holographic microscope have recently been reviewed by Kemper and von Bally [6]. 2019-07-05 · Dual-wavelength common-path digital holographic microscopy for quantitative phase imaging based on lateral shearing interferometry. Appl. Opt. 55 , 7287–7293 (2016). High-resolution imaging of densely connected samples such as pathology slides using digital in-line holographic microscopy requires the acquisition of several holograms, e.g., at >6-8 different sample-to-sensor distances, to achieve robust phase recovery and coherent imaging of specimen. Quantitative phase imaging and digital holographic microscopy have shown great promise for visualizing the motion, structure, and physiology of microorganisms and mammalian cells in three dimensions.

Phase holographic microscopy

The phase aberrations are extracted in a nonlinear optimization procedure in which the phase variation of the reconstructed object wave is minimized. Mutimodal Holographic Microscope : Q-PHASE The Q-PHASE is a unique instrument for quantitative phase imaging (QPI) based on patented technology of Coherence-controlled holographic microscopy.
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In a holographic microscope, the sample is illuminated by laser light, and the resulting image (or hologram) can be used to determine the 3D structure, position, and orientation of a microscopic sample. The book presents a clear and comprehensive review of the current status of the holographic microscopy with discussion of the positive and negative features of classical and holographic methods for solving the problem of three-dimesional (3D) imaging of phase microscopic objects. High-resolution imaging of densely connected samples such as pathology slides using digital in-line holographic microscopy requires the acquisition of several holograms, e.g., at >6–8 different [Extract] Digital holographic microscopy (DHM) [2,3] is an interferometry-based variant of QPI (quantitative phase imaging) in which typically a laser is used as a coherent light source. DHM provides QPI by detecting specimen-induced optical path length changes against the surrounding environment. resolution, high-fidelity images of quantitative phase-contrast microscopy.

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In a holographic microscope, the sample is illuminated by laser light, and the resulting image (or hologram) can be used to determine the 3D structure, position, and orientation of a microscopic sample. We build new holographic microscopes and develop software to analyze the holograms. [Extract] Digital holographic microscopy (DHM) [2,3] is an interferometry-based variant of QPI (quantitative phase imaging) in which typically a laser is used as a coherent light source. DHM provides QPI by detecting specimen-induced optical path length changes against the surrounding environment. Digital holographic microscopy (DHM) is a novelsurface topography technique that has recently become commercially available. It is a quantitative phase microscopy technique capable of being configured for reflection or transmission microscopy, and it has been used for a variety of applications [1], Mutimodal Holographic Microscope : Q-PHASE The Q-PHASE is a unique instrument for quantitative phase imaging (QPI) based on patented technology of Coherence-controlled holographic microscopy. The Q-PHASE is purposely designed to observe living cells in vitro .